Art of Portrait
Art of Portrait
Publication New York, NY
Instagram promotion
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Powered by Kavyar
Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Men #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Portrait
Image Requirements
4-16 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Copyright owner only
Art of Portrait does not accept submissions through Kavyar.
We can accept submissions from the all people.
Send us your best photos.

Photos are don’t have to be exclusive!

We will publish 3 of your photos in the stories
Tag your profile on each photo

- We will publish 5 of your photos in the stories
- Tag your profile on each photo
- One post in our instagram profile. Add text information provided by you

- We will publish 7 of your photos in the stories
- Tag your profile on each photo
- We fix one stories in actual. And we can link to your site if you have one.
! Don't forget to specify which photo to keep up to actual !
- Three post in our instagram profile. Add text information provided by you

Photo Requirements:

-- Instagram post --
Aspect ratio 5x4 or 1x1 At least 1500 pixels on the longest side
You can add both single photos and make collages.
For MID & MAX: You can write a few words about yourself. Your biography and maybe a few lines about your photographic background. But no more than 1800 characters including spaces.

-- Instagram stories --
1280 x 720 pixels
You can add both single photos and make collages. Add text information to the photo.
When we publish, we will tag your profile on each photo.

Please specify all the information in the field
Submission Info -> Submission statement
- Your Instagram Profile
- Your website
- Your biography
About Art of Portrait
portrait photography
Art of Portrait is an independent and inspirational print-on-demand and digital magazine dedicated to portrait photography.
Publisher Insights
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