ASC Fashion Magazine
ASC Fashion Magazine
Publication New York, NY
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Genres accepted
#Wedding #Travel #Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Image Requirements
2-20 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only
ASC Fashion Magazine does not accept submissions through Kavyar.
We are looking for complete fashion, beauty, and conceptual editorials of at least 2 - 20 images.
About ASC Fashion Magazine
ASC Fashion Magazine is a New York-based magazine which is being published monthly featuring the work of fashion designers based in New York and renowned designers on an international level, nationwide and overseas models, fashion photographers, fashion bloggers, musicians, artists and articles on health and fitness and upscale lifestyle. The magazine provides brand recognition to various entities in the fashion world, and are constantly innovating its publication with each issue. Although we're all for the online, new media revolution that fashion is experiencing right now, sometimes you just want a little inspiration that you can hold in your hands and physically flip through. New fashion publications are popping up all over the world, bringing a fresh perspective to the editorial world of fashion; where ASC Fashion Magazine conforms to both, the magazine is available both online and print and accessible globally which is marketed through social media and online. We also conduct fashion photoshoots for our designers who are seeking a different portrayal of their products and provide an exquisite presentation in uber settings for each look. The magazine recognizes the work of artists and present diverse cultures through fashion or art and publishes different articles based on the heritage of any region.
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