blk swan magazine
blk swan magazine
Publication Calgary, AB Canada
Issue 02 Isolation
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fashion #Beauty #Glamour #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
2-10 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only
By submitting, you agree to the following guidelines:

⦁ There will be no changes done after the issue is published.
⦁ Although all submissions are welcomed, we prioritize exclusive and unpublished editorials.
⦁ We keep the right to choose which photos will be published if there are too many similar photos in one editorial submission.
⦁ Please include a description or a story (50-100 words) as we would love to hear the story behind the photo.

The photographer owns all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to BLKSWAN and I understand that I am granting blkswan the rights to use it in the following ways:

1. To publish in print, online and/or in digital format.

2. To publish it on social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc) and on the BLKSWAN and pattifalconer websites, which shall include the Photographer's name.

3. consent to indemnify BLKSWAN against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against BLKSWAN’s arising out of the use of the photograph and related to any false or inaccurate statement.

4. I grant this authorization free of charge and that BLKSWAN does not provide free print copies to the collaborators published in the printed issues. BLKSWAN, however, does provide the teams who were published in print with free tear sheets when asked.

5. Participants who have modelled or posed in the photo have assigned all relevant rights to the photographer.

6. Once published, you cannot unpublish the said editorial.

The sorts of images we prefer:

* Exclusive and highest quality
* Unusual and creative ideas
* Professional model or talent is preferred.
* Good editing
* Variety in the posing, angles, and composition
* Professional make-up

Rejection Reasons:

* Poor low light work / noisy images/ out-of- focus
* Bad editing - waxing face (using automated software) cheap looking mismatched outfits
* Your work is either unsuitable or does not fit with the flow of the issue.
* There is little or no space left for placement.
* The quality of work is not high enough.
* Wardrobe is repeated throughout the editorial.
* Poses are repeated.
* Repeated expression.
* Images contain watermarks.
* You have not supplied enough images to create a story.
About blk swan magazine
Love will tear us apart
blk swan magazine is a publication based in Calgary, AB Canada.
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