Edith Magazine
Edith Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Toronto, ON Canada
FANTASY (Art & Fashion)
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-16 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only

We welcome submissions from photographers, male and female models, make-up artists, hair stylists, designers, writers and bloggers.

This issue is about FANTASY! This issue is to showcase talent. We are looking for work of ART, show us magical fashion editorials that tell a story of fiction. Ancient royalty, goddess, elf etc...Get creative, have fun!


Your editorial must be cohesive, all from same shoot.
If you want a wow feel of your Landscape photo on a double page, make sure your subject is not center to avoid part of the image being hidden when binding the magazine.



Wardrobe credits will be taken into consideration only if there is designers name. (major brands are not allowed e.g Michael Korr or shop like aliexpress, ebay, etsy etc...).
ONLY DESIGNER NAME and you can include their website where garments can be found.

Here is an example of the right way to write wardrobe credits.

Vintage Velvet Cocoon Coat - Designer Name
Cap Sleeve Trapeze dress - Designer Name
Patent Leather Pumps - Designer Name

Or Wardrobe by - Designer Name


We are always looking for guest writers and bloggers which would like to contribute to the magazine. If you are interested in writing for us, please send an email to info@edith-mag.com or admin@edithmagazine.com


Once an issue is being released it is available for purchase via magcloud. The purchase link will be sent on the day of release.

Have a look at our mood board for inspiration.


CREDITS CORRECTIONS FEE ($15 payable through our PayPal Account ) make sure when you upload the credits that they are correct, that Instagram handles are added to all team members. (if applicable) This must be done before the deadline. If you need any corrections there will be a $15 fee charged to make them after publishing.

CANCELLATION FEE ($50.00 payable through our PayPal Account ) Make sure this is your final decision to submit your works in EDITH Magazine.

The sorts of images we prefer:
* Unusual and creative ideas
* Good editing with professional looking skin
* Variety in the posing, angles and composition
* Professional make-up
* Cover story Sharp image

Rejection Reasons:
* Poor low light work / noisy images/out-of-
* Bad skin editing - waxing face (using
automated software)
cheap looking mismatched outfits
* Your work is either unsuitable or does not fit
with the flow of the issue.
* There is little or no space left for placement.
* The quality of work is not high enough.
* Wardrobe is repeated throughout the editorial.
* Poses are repeated.
* Repeated expression.
* Images contain watermarks.
* You have not supplied enough images to
create a story.

Edith magazine is primarily an online and print photographic magazine that gives you the opportunity to contribute your work and have it published in a high end publication. We seek to discover outstanding talent around the globe and carefully choose selected one for publication. Edith audience is obsessed with beauty and fashion, our number one priority is great photography. The perfect platform for talented content creators and artistic brands. We also welcome articles.

Being published in Edith mag is fantastic for any creative’s portfolio and can be used as a springboard to further success. When submitting please follow the guidelines outlined on this page. Submissions are reviewed based on their content, quality and relevance.

If your photographs are published in Edith Mag, they must be ONLY published in Edith Mag, if we find out that they are published by another magazine they will be removed immediately.

Submissions are free but if you ask for your work to be featured as the cover, there will be an extra cost for that. However, each month we choose one cover that we like from best submissions.

Please include the following assets and information in a submission:

Title (or at least an idea for a title)
Full team credits
Photographer’s, Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Model’s Name
Brief 1-3 line description/commentary of your editorial.
Instagram links

We will not be responsible for typos, errors and missing credits, we will NOT be able to make any changes after publication. Follow us on Instagram, to gain understanding of type of stories we like to publish. If we are interested, we will get an answer within a week.

We accept submissions from emerging photographers and their creative teams, artists, fashion designers.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting materials you agree Edith Mag’s following terms and conditions:

1. I (The Photographer) own this Photograph, and I own all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to Edith Mag.

2. I am the sole owner of copyright on this Photograph, and I understand that I am granting Edith Mag the one-time, non exclusive right to use it in the following ways:

- to publish in print, online and in PDF format in the “Current ” 2019 issue of Edith Mag
- to publish it on social media (FB, Instagram, etc) and/or on the Edith Mag website, which shall include the Photographer’s name.

Edith Mag will not license or otherwise use the Photograph for commercial activities beyond the above listed scope.

I consent to indemnify Edith Mag against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against Edith Mag arising out of the use of the photograph and related to any false or inaccurate statement.

I grant this authorization free of charge.
About Edith Magazine
For Creative Thinker
EDITH Magazine part of the EDITH MEDIA GROUP is a promotional International art magazine published weekly in both digital and print format. We showcase the art and beauty of alternative and fashion photography. If you are in the creative industry and would like to gain exposure and connect with others in the industry, then you have come to the right place.  There is no secret that we are a creative publication that is hungry and on the verge of going viral. Our thirst for creativity is endless. Edith features exclusive work and interviews with photographers, models, designers and other creatives around the world. We also love to showcase work from fresh and up-coming creative invdividuals. Our readers are anyone in the creative fashion industry from photographers, models, make-up artists, to fashion stylists and bloggers. Advertising with Edith magazine will give you great exposure to this wide range of audience.  Edith Magazine has been in circulation for only 2 years and already has an international following with featured editorials from 123 countries so far. We are always looking for Writers and Brand to collaborate. If you are interested to have your article or brand publish in Edith Magazine page, please send by email to info@edithmag.com We look forward to working with you and publishing your editorial stories.
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