Edith Mode Magazine
Edith Mode Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Toronto, ON Canada
The Luxury Style Trend
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fashion #Beauty
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-10 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
EDITH accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers, creative writers, make-up artists, musicians, stylists, and fashion designers/brands. If accepted, your work will be featured in the print edition. We do accept also fashion for webitorials that are updated every week on our website.

Images can be fashion, Beauty, or Creative pieces.

Edith reserves the right to accept or deny any submission.

This will be a High-End Edition where photography, posing, lighting, and retouching will be evaluated before publishing.

We prefer EXCLUSIVES works. But if we like your works we DO NOT mind previously published art; however, the priority will be given to the exclusive content.


* team credits (adding social media profiles helps us to promote you and your team and get maximum exposure)

* wardrobe credits underneath each submitted image in descending order (e.g. pants Armani Exchange, shirt Babushka, shoes Nike, etc)

When submitting to us, please make sure to include:

*Title of the artwork/series/collection if you can't decide on a title you can ask us to choose one for you.


Once the Calendar is released it will be available for purchase via Magforest. The purchase link will be sent on the day of release.


CREDITS CORRECTIONS FEE ($15 payable through our PayPal Account ) make sure when you upload the credits that they are correct, and that Instagram handles are added to all team members. (if applicable) This must be done before the deadline. If you need any corrections there will be a $15 fee charged to make them after publishing.

CANCELLATION FEE ($60.00 payable through our PayPal Account ) Make sure this is your final decision to submit your works to EDITH Magazine.

The sorts of images we prefer:
* Exclusive and highest quality
* Unusual art fashion
* Designer pieces
* Professional model or talent
* Good editing with a professional-looking skin
* Variety in the posing, angles, and composition
* Professional make-up, different styles, and look
* Cover story Sharp image

Rejection Reasons:
* Poor low light work / noisy images/out-of-
* Bad skin editing - waxing face (using
automated software)
cheap looking mismatched outfits
* Your work is either unsuitable or does not fit
with the flow of the issue.
* There is little or no space left for placement.
* The quality of work is not high enough.
* Wardrobe is repeated throughout the editorial.
* Poses are repeated.
* Repeated expression.
* Images contain watermarks.
* You have not supplied enough images to
create a story.

Edith Mode is Edith's Special fashion magazine dedicated to inspiring people with everyday fashion. Edith Mode is always looking for undiscovered fashion talents. Our focus is on finding fresh faces in the fashion industry to share with our readers.

Please include the following assets and information in a submission:

Title (or at least an idea for a title)
Full team credits
Photographer’s, Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Model’s Name
Brief 1-3 line description/commentary of your editorial.
Instagram links

Follow us on Instagram, to gain an understanding of the type of stories we like to publish.

Check out our mood board.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting materials you agree to Edith Magazine's following terms and conditions:


1. I (The Photographer) own this Photograph, and I own all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to Edith Magazine.

2. I am the sole owner of the copyright on this Photograph, and I understand that I am granting Edith Magazine a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any photos you submit.

- to publish and Advertise in print, and online (Web and Social media).

Edith Magazine will not license or otherwise use the Photograph for commercial activities beyond the above-listed scope.

I consent to indemnify Edith Magazine against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against Edith Magazine arising out of the use of the photograph and related to any false or inaccurate statement.

I grant this authorization free of charge.
About Edith Mode Magazine
Creativity has no boundaries
Edith Magazine is an international design publication dedicated to showcasing both rising and established creative artists. Our mission is to highlight the most gifted individuals in the fashion industry. Through our imagination, we make sense of the world. Without boundaries, favoritism, or restrictions, our capacity to inspire flourishes. Our platform embraces diversity and inclusivity while also being exclusive, individualistic, and cultural. It connects local and global perspectives, ensuring accessibility for everyone. We invite all fashion industry artists to submit their work to Edith Magazine. We welcome both emerging and experienced talents, whether they work in front of or behind the camera. We believe there is an abundance of untapped talent waiting to be discovered. Edith Magazine provides the perfect platform for artists to reach a broader audience on a global scale.
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