Publication New York, NY
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Powered by Kavyar
Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Portrait
Image Requirements
1-10 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
FADDÉESH Magazine does not accept submissions through Kavyar.
When you share your published editorial, please use the following hashtags: @faddeesh_mag #FADDEESHmagazine

No exclusivity required. This is a push to get exposure and build your portfolio!

You will receive a CURATED TEAR SHEET or a COVER TEAR SHEET of one of your images as HIGH-RES JPG, branded by our graphic designer with the FADDÉESH Magazine logo on your images. Your work will be published on our website, www.FADDEESHmag.com.

Team credits are essential, if these are not included with your submission, your submission will not be published. Be sure to double-check that all persons involved in the submission is included in the credits and their names are spelled correctly. If for any reason a submission is published and an individual/s credit is missing, the person who submitted the feature will be held responsible.

* If you are submitting the editorial and are not the photographer, you guarantee and represent that you are the sole and exclusive legal owner of all rights, title, and interest in all the work you submitted, including all related intellectual property interests; such as trademarks and copyrights.

By submitting materials you agree with FADDÉESH's following terms and conditions:

* The photographer owns all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to FADDÉESH Magazine. Once an image is accepted to be published, it grants us the permission to use your work in any of our publications, websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of FADDÉESH Magazine.
* I consent to indemnify FADDÉESH against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against FADDÉESH's arising out of the use of the photograph and related to any false or inaccurate statement.
* I grant this authorization free of charge and that FADDÉESH Magazine does not currently provide complimentary copies of our print-on-demand publication or pay for your shoots. However; we will promote your work on social media, events, and promotions.
* Once images are approved for publication, you give us the right to correct/edit/retouch pictures if needed.
* Participants who have modeled or posed in the photo have assigned all relevant rights to the photographer.

I understand that submission does not mean acceptance; and that all submissions are subjected to review.

Follow us on Instagram www.instagram.com/faddeesh_mag

Thank you,
FADDÉESH Magazine Team
About FADDÉESH Magazine
FADDÉESH is a fashion, beauty, and art magazine published in print and digital for all fashion creatives, including kids and teenagers. Our mission is to showcase a dynamic and diverse array of ideas and talent in art, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Established in March of 2021, FADDÉESH Magazine is an all over the world publication that has a place for new faces and experienced faces in the fashion industry. We are always looking to work with new upcoming creatives, writers, models, artists, MUAs, designers, and so forth whom are a part of the fashion industry.
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