Fashion Avenue News Magazine
Fashion Avenue News Magazine
PREMIUM Publication New York, NY
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No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-6 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
When submitting please follow the guidelines outlined.

Upon reviewing submissions, Fashion Avenue News (and their entities) reserves the right to Accept or Deny any submission we receive. We reserve the right to place the Editorial in any of our 13 publications. Once a submission is received, and accepted, it is then reviewed to make sure the images are the correct size and dpi. Once this review is done, you will receive a notification that it will be published. Submissions are reviewed based on their content, quality, relevance, and the availability of space in the issue it's being submitted to be published in.

If you are submitting the editorial and are not the photographer:

Fashion Avenue News Magazine (and all of our publications/blogs/video/media/press placement-these guidelines cover all the mentioned) accepts submissions from photographers, models, modeling agencies, managers, talent managers, makeup artists, bloggers, writers, fashion designers, and stylists. By submitting items, you are stating that you have permission/authorizations and all clearances to submit the items to Fashion Avenue News, and all of our media partners/collaborators for media distribution. We, including our media partners/collaborators, are held blameless for any and all disputes which arise out of your submissions. This statement will serve as a Release Form for any and all submissions. These rules are effective for any and all submissions, read or unread, forever and a day. We do not give out complimentary copies of the magazine. Fashion Avenue News is not responsible for any cost associated with the production of your submission; also, we do not pay for submissions.

Team credits are essential for all submissions, if we have accepted your submissions and you provide high-resolution images without team credits, your submission will not be published. We won’t be held accountable for any missing or misspelled credit. Be sure to double-check that all persons involved in the submission are included in the credits and their names are spelled correctly. If for any reason a submission is published and an individual's credit is missing, the person who submitted the feature will be held responsible. Along with the model’s name be sure the list the agency name, if applicable. The credits will be cut and pasted into the Editorial as you provided and cannot be changed, or anything added once the magazine is finalized.

Once an image is accepted to be published, it grants us permission to use your work in any of our publications, websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of Fashion Avenue News Magazine and its entities.

Once an issue is released, you will get a notification on where you can purchase the publication. Please follow us on Kavyar, Facebook, Instagram @FashionAvenueNews and our Brand page

Not all information and updates can be sent to everyone that is or has been associated with the Editorial. Please alert your team of the editorial being published.
About Fashion Avenue News Magazine
Where Only The BEST Will Do
Fashion Avenue News has become “The Platform” for Independent and Established Fashion Industry Luxury Brands. Featuring a collage of Cultural Influences, Body Types, Multi-Generational Models and Gender Equality. At Fashion Avenue News we raise the standard beyond “One Size/Style Fits All” to a “Celebration” of the many and unique styles for fashion diversity and ever evolving society. We are a monthly print/digital publication.
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