Fashion New Order
Fashion New Order
Publication São Paulo, Brazil
Graduation Album 1st ISSUE
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Genres accepted
#Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Portrait
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No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
1-20 images
JPG, PNG, or TIF format
sRGB Color profile
Copyright owner only
To celebrate the end of COVID-19, we are gathering media for a celebratory (and first) printed issue of our magazine: FASHION NEW ORDER! The issue will be released on the day of the official end of our pandemic situation. As we understand that people are not going out for studios and locations at the moment, we took the liberty of accepting non-exclusive material, but please be aware that EXCLUSIVE photographies will be prioritized.

This issue of FASHION NEW ORDER will be PREMIUM, will have a lot of graphic work surrounding the images, so please send your best works! :) It will be released in two types: a commercial version and a premium version, in a crafty decorative box, shaped like a photography album. All prints will be paid by our company, so please, respect our work and send your best :), other than that, send your most different and fun work, we hate traditional. Don't be afraid to be criticized or take risks, the best works come from that energy, :) if we don't like it we'll just refuse it, but you're more than welcome to apply again.

About the Magazine

We have MANY cult followers like MICHELE LAMY and @f0rbiddenknowledge. We do not put creative limitations on your submission. We accept a sole image if necessary, but it does have to be interesting :) and in HIGH-QUALITY. Please be creative and fun, we will be happy to see your work and disclose it if it's to our taste

We adore RUNWAY looks, and unusual aesthetics. We are happy with most creative approachs. However, we tend to say no to editorials that are too commercial. :( And please have fun, we do love some mix-n-match, mix rock with hello kitty lolittas, monks and punks, glass and complexity, just have some fun with it and be creative. We're happy to exchange technical "mistakes" for some creative boldness. Show us things we haven't seen, show us magiccc and mistery, be cool and yet approachable!!

You can check our Pinterest page and latest submissions for a good notion of what we desire.

#editorial #menswear #womenswear #fashion #nonexclusive #photography #couture #exclusive #print #printissue #social #digital #modern #emergingdesigners

About Fashion New Order
We are Fashion New Order. A creative portal for contemporary fashion without the boundaries of the press market. We focus on creative fashion, derived from the top schools/creative hubs from the world. We value the work from designers/stylists/photographers coming from Antwerp, Central Saint Martins and Polimoda. Above all, we value innovation, authenticity and subversion.
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