Publication London, United Kingdom
DIGITAL COVER | COVER + interview | Fashzilla October 2023
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Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-12 images
JPG or PNG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only
Images can be Beauty, Fashion, or Creative pieces. We are looking for high art and fashion, original pieces unpublished before.

We love to see force and emotion in the editorial. Make it loud, make it yaw dropping. Embrace your creativity and show us what you've got.

Make sure you are submitting pictures in high resolution.

Team credits are essential for all submissions, we won’t accept your submissions without team credits.
We won’t be held accountable for any missing or misspelled credit. Be sure to double check that all persons involved in the submission are included in the credits, and their names are spelled correctly.
If for any reason a submission is published and an individual/s credit is missing, the person who submitted the feature will be held responsible.
Along with model’s name, be sure to list the agency name.
We copy and paste each name directly from the file. So, please double check all the names for accuracy.

By submitting to Fashzilla Magazine to publish your work, you grant us the permission to use your work in any of our publications, websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination.

Guarantee and represent that you are the sole and exclusive legal owner of all rights, title, & interest in all the work you submitted, including all related intellectual property interests (such as trademarks and copyrights).Otherwise you need author’s written permission.
About Fashzilla
By Artists For Artists
Fashzilla is not just a magazine; it's a dynamic creative movement. We are here for the visionaries, the go-getters, the fearless pioneers who are reshaping the future of the industry. Our mission is crystal clear: to provide a powerful platform where emerging artists and innovators from diverse fields can unleash their potential. We are relentlessly focused on building the future of the creative industries. We spotlight the doers and dreamers who are making waves, not just in art and fashion, but also in entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability. Fashzilla is where their stories are told, where their visions are celebrated, and where their ideas become the blueprint for what's next. At Fashzilla, we honor the authentic, amplify the unconventional, and applaud the trailblazers. This is not just a magazine; it's a collective force driven by artists, for artists. Join us as we reshape the narrative, challenge the status quo, and forge a new path forward for creativity
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