Féroce Magazine
Féroce Magazine
ELITE Publication Edinburgh, United Kingdom
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
1-50 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only
THIS ISSUE IS FOR AUTISTIC CREATIVES ONLY. If you are diagnosed as on the autism spectrum, or awaiting diagnosis - please submit to our Autism Issue. Those who are self diagnosed are also welcome as we understand that some people find it particularly difficult to acquire a diagnosis.

We are dedicating an entire issue of Feroce Magazine to autistic creatives. This can be any type of creativity: writing, painting/drawing, photographs, models, makeup artists and more. We want to raise awareness for Autism, and especially autism in females.

ALL ARTISTS FEATURED IN THE ISSUE WILL HAVE A FREE PRINT COPY SENT TO THEM. So we will require an address to send the issue to.

Your work doesn't have to be new and exclusive, but it does have to be your best work. Please include a biography on how autism affects you along with your submission. People who are not autistic or who have ignored the guidelines and submitted anyway will be declined. This is a space for atypical creatives only, and if you want to submit to one of our other issues you're totally welcome to!

We don't have a moodboard for this issue - whatever you want to show us, go for it! We do love dark and weird work, but just show us whatever you like!

The issue will be released on the 1st of April 2020. This might seem like a way away, but that's because this issue will have a lot more work involved than our usual issues. For the full month of March in 2020, we will be promoting the talent that will be included in the issue.

If you are submitting on behalf of a vulnerable person, just let us know. You will be required to sign a release form that allows us to publish your work.
About Féroce Magazine
Edinburgh based gallery publication devoted to showcasing a global selection of photographic artists, models, writers, artists, and musicians.
We're looking for groundbreaking work. We love high fashion, portraiture, fine art, digital art - there's no rules and no set medium for creativity. We believe in diversity in the fashion industry whichis why we encourage submissions for artists of all backgrounds with models of all nationalities and cultures. We aspire to provide a platform for both up-and-coming and established artists. For weirdos, by weirdos. It's lonely on the leading edge - we're here to lend a hand. Established in 2013 by A.M. Young, Feroce Magazine was signed over to Daina Renton in 2015, who has been E.I.C ever since. Since then Feroce has grown exponentially and has a reputation for publishing only the best edgy fashion editorials. We've got good taste. If you're interested in PR opportunities and assistance in improving your fashion portfolio, take a look at our services here: https://kavyar.com/ferocemagazine/submissions/portfolio-services
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