Féroce Magazine
Féroce Magazine
ELITE Publication Edinburgh, United Kingdom
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
2-20 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
Feroce Magazine likes the dark and unusual. This issue will be free to read online via ISSUU and all contributors within the issue will be promoted across our media throughout the whole of October.

October is the spookiest time of year so we're after your WEIRDEST WORK. October is the Feroce equivalent of 'the september issue' so we want the darkest work you have to offer. It doesn't have to be exclusive.

We like strange concepts, avant garde clothing, out the box beauty editorials and we especially love high fashion styling. We prefer multiple looks but it's not a huge necessity if there's a cool narrative. Please make sure your images aren't too similar and repetitive to each other because we won't publish all of them if so.

Feroce is the weirdo's place to be. We pride ourselves in being inclusive so please consider choosing a model of colour when planning or submitting your shoot. We expect diversity. We don't just publish fashion models, we also love still life works, portraiture, and we like writing and art too.

- Dia De Los Muertos makeup
- If you can avoid using blood then avoid it. We don't want models naked and covered in fake blood - feroce contributors can do better than that!
- Caucasian models dressed up as tribal 'characters'
- Horror cliches - we don't just want to see photos of people in halloween costumes or masks.
- No images of suicide

- agency represented models
- Think horror, but make it FASHION.
- A totally bizarre concept. The more outlandish the better.
- Dark colour palettes
- We love colour gels
- The more fashion looks the better - not too casual, not too formal
- We love independent designers or weird fashion - less high street!
- Unusual aesthetics or characteristics in your models

If you want to see what sort of work we REALLY love and are most likely to publish, then check out this Pinterest board.

Paid cover opportunities are available but usually covers are awarded to contributors who submit work that's best suited to the theme of the magazine. The covers are selected on the 21st of each month. You'll be contacted if we need extra images from you.

If you selected feedback, we'll give you as detailed feedback as we can, with what we think you can do to improve your work.

Once you're accepted you'll be asked for extra information by the deadline. You'll then be published by the 7th day of the next month. So the October issues are released by the 7th of October. You will receive notification at every step of the way. We pride ourselves in responding to questions really quickly as well!

Tearsheets are distributed to all contributors within 30 days of release. We can't provide print copies of the publication at this time. Magcloud deals with the distribution of the publication, but please note they don't ship to Russia for some reason.


You will be required to sign a release form before being published. Please note before submitting that all credits are the submitter's responsibility. If we find missing or incorrect information your submission may be rejected. Problematic submissions are automatically declined.

No refunds will be provided for submissions cancelled by a submitter without cause.
Cancellation requests made less than 7 days before deadline will not be honoured.
No refunds will be provided if submission information is incomplete or contains an error that causes delayed publication or errors in the final product.
About Féroce Magazine
Edinburgh based gallery publication devoted to showcasing a global selection of photographic artists, models, writers, artists, and musicians.
We're looking for groundbreaking work. We love high fashion, portraiture, fine art, digital art - there's no rules and no set medium for creativity. We believe in diversity in the fashion industry whichis why we encourage submissions for artists of all backgrounds with models of all nationalities and cultures. We aspire to provide a platform for both up-and-coming and established artists. For weirdos, by weirdos. It's lonely on the leading edge - we're here to lend a hand. Established in 2013 by A.M. Young, Feroce Magazine was signed over to Daina Renton in 2015, who has been E.I.C ever since. Since then Feroce has grown exponentially and has a reputation for publishing only the best edgy fashion editorials. We've got good taste. If you're interested in PR opportunities and assistance in improving your fashion portfolio, take a look at our services here: https://kavyar.com/ferocemagazine/submissions/portfolio-services
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