Figgi Magazine
Figgi Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Milan, Italy
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Powered by Kavyar
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No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
2-16 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
- All images must be retouched and edited.
- Minimum: 3 different looks (if one brand is on more than 2 looks it will be considered advertorial).
- Follow us on Instagram @figgi.magazine .
- Please include credits for all participants in the shoot (instagram and e-mail) so that we can tag them when we share images online. We do not accept submissions without team credits.

Attention! Please be careful and carefully check the team and wardrobe credits. If you notice an error, you need to fix it in the submission settings on Kavyar. Please make sure that all credits are correct before submitting your work.

When submitting your work, you must:
- Guarantee and represent that you are the sole and exclusive legal owner of all the rights, titles and interests in all works submitted by you, including all related intellectual property interests (such as trademarks and copyrights).
- Get permission from models or their agents to publish works with their participation.
- Models must have the photographer's consent for publication, legal representation, or agent approval.
To protect and indemnify the publisher (magazine - FIGGI) all liabilities, damages, costs, debts, claims, and expenses that publisher may sustain or incur at the suit of a third party, if posted material violates or misappropriates any third property or intellectual property in breach of the above paragraph. By taking submission you approve these norms, accept the rules and take all the possible risks on yourself.

By allowing FIGGI magazine to publish your work, you grant permission to use your work in any of our publications and websites, videos, marketing materials, advertising, and any other media or formats used to create and monetize FIGGI magazine content.

We reserve the right to crop your photos and change their size.

Note: We do not guarantee that all materials accepted by us will be published.

Tear sheets will be sent to you one month after the publication of the magazine.
Please note! We do not send an electronic version of the magazine for free.
About Figgi Magazine
Figgi Magazine is a magazine for people who sense aesthetics, live it, and shine every day. We don't care about your gender or age. What matters is your vision and exquisite taste.
Figgi Magazine is a photo magazine dedicated to beauty, fashion, portrait, fine-art, kids, men, nude, nature and animals. Our magazine is for those who want to create art with us, develop their visual taste and discover the latest trends in the fashion world. Launch into the magazine from the very first page and you'll be immersed in a world of aesthetics and the visual arts, where you can unmask yourself. We have created an ideal place where you can admire top-notch works by photographers around the world and participate as a member of the community.
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