Flanelle Magazine
Flanelle Magazine
ELITE Publication 
Montreal, QC Canada
Flanelle Magazine | DIGITAL No. 16 - February 2023
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fashion #Beauty
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
6-15 images
JPG, PNG, or TIF format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Min height 2000 px
Min width 2000 px
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only

Get it monthly for free, subscribe at www.tinyurl.com/flanellenewsletter

The digital issues will be published every month and sent out in our newsletter and published on our website - free to read online!

Get cover review or guaranteed cover every month!

For fashion editorials, we ask for a *minimum* of 3 looks and 6 photos.
Beauty editorial needs a minimum of 3 makeup looks.

Submission :

If accepted, we will hold your editorial one week after the deadline, and message the ones who have been accepted for the second round of acceptance.

For fashion and beauty editorials, we ask for a *minimum* of 3 looks and 6 photos.

If you have fewer looks, please submit to any of the digital or web submissions. www.kavyar.com/flanellemag

Write all your team credits and all clothes credits in Kavyar boxes.

By submitting materials you agree Flanelle’s following terms and conditions:
1. The photographer owns all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to Flanelle Magazine and I understand that I am granting Flanelle the rights to use it in the following ways:
• to publish in print, online and/or in digital format 
• to publish it on social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc) and on the Flanelle Magazine's website, which shall include the Photographer's name.
2. I consent to indemnify Flanelle against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against Flanelle's arising out of the use of the photograph and related to any false or inaccurate statement.
3. I grant this authorization free of charge and that Flanelle Magazine does not provide free print copies to the collaborators published in the printed issues. Flanelle, however, does provide the teams who were published with a free digital version when asked.
4. Participants who have modeled or posed in the photo have assigned all relevant rights to the photographer.

I understand that submission does not mean acceptance; and that all submissions are subjected to review.
About Flanelle Magazine
Flanelle magazine is a Montreal based Fashion & Arts magazine with a sophisticated and provocative audience of young adults with a love and passion for fashion and niche cultural knowledge. Flanelle is a fast-growing image-heavy seasonal magazine for both men and women known for its raw editorials and unparalleled design. Distinguishing itself from other magazines by its sheer volume and its visual approach to fashion, Flanelle aims to position itself as a blend of fashion, culture, and art. Branded as a coffee table magazine, Flanelle Magazine features editorial contributions made by independent photographers and industry experts. The printed version, available by print-on-demand, is made in a quality paper to ensure its lifetime lasting, while a digital version is also available for download. What began as a small photobook has grown into a spectacular internationally known printed and web magazine.
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