GOJI Magazine
GOJI Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Kyiv, Ukraine
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Powered by Kavyar
Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Wedding #Travel #Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
2-8 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
All submissions are welcomed!

We need 300dpi images, Instagram credits for promotion, styling credits, full team credits.

If a series is approved that does not guarantee that all images will be used and published. We keep the right to choose which photos will be published.

We reserve the right to change the name of the editorial.

We don't provide free print copies. We do send out Tear Sheets for free.

You can publish your work on social media anytime even before the release.

CANCELLATION FEE ($100) Make sure this is your final decision to submit your works in COJI MAGAZINE. If a series is accepted and gone into print we will charge a $100 fee to remove it, as the complete publication will have to be adjusted.

Cancellation of your application may be made without prior notice if the information is not completed correctly. We are not responsible for errors. It is the responsibility of the submitter.

Make sure when you upload the credits that they are correct, that Instagram handles are added to all team members. If you need any corrections there will be a $15 fee charged to make them after the publication. Credits correction is only available for 14 days after release. If you contact us later, we will not be able to help you.

Please contact us only on the KAVYAR platform. Messages on email and Instagram may be left without reply.

If you want to see what sort of work we love and are most likely to publish, then check out our Pinterest board.

Deadline: June 30, 2021
Release: July 15, 2021 (maybe sooner)
Tear Sheets: Distributed within 14 days after release
Prints: On Magcloud

Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goji.magazine/ to be updated with all our posts.
About GOJI Magazine
Unconditional love for femininity with no borders.
GOJI Magazine is a prestigious international publication that celebrates and embraces the boundless expression of femininity. Our magazine showcases a diverse range of styles, perspectives, and individuals, highlighting the ever-evolving definition of femininity in today's world. We believe that femininity knows no boundaries or gender restrictions. We proudly feature men in the fashion industry who fearlessly embrace their feminine side, contributing to the progressive evolution of fashion and breaking traditional stereotypes. At GOJI Magazine, we wholeheartedly accept, appreciate, and admire this inclusive approach to femininity. Our dedicated team of editors, photographers, and stylists curate stunning visuals and captivating articles that capture the essence of this unconditional love for femininity. Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the multifaceted nature of femininity through thought-provoking interviews, breathtaking fashion editorials, and insightful features. GOJI Magazine is your passport to a world where the celebration of femininity transcends borders and conventions. Whether you are an avid fashion enthusiast, an industry professional, or simply someone who appreciates the power of self-expression, GOJI Magazine is your ultimate destination for inspiration, empowerment, and embracing the limitless possibilities of femininity.
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