PREMIUM Publication Tokyo, Japan
Instagram Feature
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Genres accepted
#Fashion #Fine Art
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Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
1-10 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Copyright owner only
HOLLYWAY Magazine is a project, which creates a community to inspire each other through photography and art.
We are an Art, Fashion and Beauty Magazine based in Tokyo, which is open to creative photographers and conceptual artists. We accept submissions of all kinds of creative and exclusive fine-art, fashion, beauty, nude & boudoir art and will also publish some special editions with interesting themes.
Be free to contact us for any special editorials and collaboration projects.

Now we are open to work with NFT artists too.


Please submit 4-16 images for review.

- We feature 1 post with 1-4 image on our Instagram page. This is NOT a guaranteed feature. Images must fit into our requirements.

- Visit our Instagram profile ( instagram.com/hollyway.magazine ) to see the type of work that we promote and publish.

- We reserve the right to crop your photos and change their size.

- Although all submissions are welcomed, we prioritize exclusive and unpublished editorials. - Please submit images with NO LOGOS or WATERMARKS.

- All images need to be retouched and edited.

- Wardrobe and team credits must be included with submissions including instagram handles (Please provide IG handles as @name). Make sure all credits are correctly spelled! Full team credits must be typed/added into the description/statement box.


‼️ When submitting your work, you must ‼️ :
- Guarantee and represent that you are the sole and exclusive legal owner of all the rights, titles and interests in all works submitted by you, including all related intellectual property interests (such as trademarks and copyrights).
- Get permission from models or their agents to publish works with their participation.
- Models must have the photographer's consent for publication, legal representation, or agent approval.
To protect and indemnify the publisher (HOLLYWAY Magazine) all liabilities, damages, costs, debts, claims, and expenses that publisher may sustain or incur at the suit of a third party, if posted material violates or misappropriates any third property or intellectual property in breach of the above paragraph. By taking submission you approve these norms, accept the rules and take all the possible risks on yourself.

By allowing HOLLYWAY magazine to publish your work, you grant permission to use your work in any of our publications and websites, videos, marketing materials, advertising, and any other media or formats used to create and monetize HOLLYWAY magazine content.


Rejection Reasons:

* Poor low light work / noisy images/out-of-
* Bad skin editing – waxing face (using
automated software)
* The quality of work is not high enough.
* Wardrobe is repeated throughout the editorial.
* Poses are repeated.
* Repeated expression.
* Images contain watermarks.
About HOLLYWAY Magazine
We promote and support artists from all over the world.
HOLLYWAY Magazine is a project, that creates a community to inspire each other through photography and art. We are an Art, Fashion and Beauty Magazine based in Tokyo, that is open to creative photographers and conceptual artists. We accept submissions of all kinds of creative and exclusive fine-art, fashion, beauty, nude & boudoir art and will also publish some special editions with interesting themes. HOLLYWAY Magazine is a monthly publishing magazine that is going to be available in both digital and print form. In our magazines you can find not only photography, but also their stories and interviews with the best artists from all over the world, which will inspire you. Every day, we post on our Instagram awesome photography to feature and support the artist's work. You all have a chance to be part of our community, just submit your photos for daily Instagram feature or monthly magazine publish. Be free to contact us for any special editorials and collaboration projects. Now we are open to work with NFT artists too.
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