Know magazine
Know magazine
ELITE Publication New York, NY
Fashion´s Desire
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Wedding #Travel #Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
1-24 images
JPG, PNG, or TIF format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
Thank you for your interest in Know magazine, we love art, fashion and your vision, we want to create something new and share it with the world.

You will receive a CURATED TEAR SHEET or a COVER TEAR SHEET of one of your images as HIGH-RES JPG, branded by our graphic designer with the KNOW Magazine logo on your images, and publish it on our website.

We prefer editorials that feature an emerging designer/brand; of course, we also love those already recognized. Thrifted and vintage clothes are more than welcome (at least 3 or 4 different outfits, more variety is better)


No exclusivity required. This is a push to get exposure and build your portfolio!

Images must not contain logos/watermarks.
All material sent must be the final product.

Team credits are essential, if these are not included with your submission, your submission will not be published. Be sure to double-check that all persons involved in the submission is included in the credits and their names are spelled correctly. If for any reason a submission is published and a individual/s credit is missing, the person who submitted the feature will be held responsible.

If you can’t find a member, add it.
Team: Photographer, Art Direction, Model/s, Styling, Makeup, Hairstyle, Retoucher, Assistant.
Costume credits: Garment: Designer / Brand (@Instagram account)
Make sure all credits are correct; these will be published exactly as you write them.
Any mistake will not be our responsibility and the correction will generate a fee.

If you are submitting the editorial and are not the photographer, you guarantee and represent that you are the sole and exclusive legal owner of all rights, title, and interest in all the work you submitted, including all related intellectual property interests; such as trademarks and copyrights.

If you're not the exclusive legal owner of all rights, you have to attach this document signed by the exclusive legal owner of all rights. Here is the link from where you can download the release form:


Be creative, do something different, we love new ideas.
Create a story thread, we adore symbolism.
Include different frames in your editorial. (vertical, portrait, close up/detail, etc.)
The more looks, the better.

When you share your material, once published, please use the following resources to tag us:
IG: @theknowmagazine & #theknowmagazine

The Editor reserves the right to reject your proposal if it does not meet the, or any, of the requirements.
About Know magazine
Know Magazine is a platform that is passionate about fashion and art, we want to offer unique quality content that is enjoyed and inspired and where you want to belong. We want to make known the talent of even international artists from their beginnings, to be a means for creatives in all stages of their careers, to grow and grow with them. We love to convey the passion that fashion and art make, we will create a meaningful visual experience for the reader, we want to tell a story and encourage creatives to develop their passion without limits, through their own style and without borders. By collaborating with fashion photographers and artists of all kinds, a unique and exceptional work will be developed, through a global vision and new perspectives of collaborators who love their work, we will create a magazine full of passion, talent and love of fashion and art.
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