London Runway
London Runway
Publication London, United Kingdom
Portfolio Feature
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fine Art
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
5-10 images
JPG or PNG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
Ongoing series for our Artist Portfolio feature. Give us at least five images which will introduce your work to our readers. Any genre of art or photography is accepted. There should be something of added interest if you submit photography - such as photo manipulation, candid street shots, or shooting on film - as the emphasis here is on art rather than editorial.

Your work should NOT be one complete photoshoot. If you are submitting a single shoot editorial, go to our page and choose one of our themed issues.

If accepted, you will be required to provide a short artist's statement before publishing. See our existing issues for previous examples.

Please make sure your images DON’T have a logo/watermark.

We can only accept submissions from the rights holder, unless written permission signed by the rights holder is provided. You are responsible for any legal rights issues arising from your submission.

Be sure to tag all members of your team.

Please be aware that, as we have only one portfolio slot available per issue, paid submissions have a much higher chance of being accepted. Sadly, we can't publish every submission that we receive.

Previous examples:
About London Runway
Runway shows, beauty and portraits
We’re an indie fashion magazine established since 2017 in both print and digital formats. We are the definitive catwalk collection for London Fashion Week shows. Our close-knit, hard-working, and inquisitive team stands with equality, sustainability, ethics, and overall basic human morality in fashion. This means we like to showcase fashion stories that also, where possible, demonstrate these characteristics. We do NOT feature smoking, real fur, work that promotes harmful stereotypes or discrimination, work that promotes harm to oneself or others, or sets that are pure nudity (nudity within a fashion editorial context is fine). We cannot feature overseas or off-schedule shows unless submitted as part of an advertisement. We do not feature AI generations. If your accepted submission is later found to contain generative AI, we will cancel the feature. We do not provide free copies of our print or digital magazine to Kavyar contributors, but we will send out links to find them as well as tearsheets on request. All accepted editorials are also eligible for publication in our annual anthology, released at the beginning of the new year. This collects all editorials from the past year into one new volume. By submitting, you acknowledge that you are happy for your work to be republished in the anthology as well as the original submission issue. Submitters are responsible for making sure that all information is correct. No corrections can be made after going to print. Submitters also verify that they have the legal right to submit the images for publication, either as the copyright holder themselves or with permission from the copyright holder. London Runway will not be held responsible for submissions made in error. It may not be possible to change credits or other details after publication. Look out for issue announcements and submission inspiration at, and follow us on Instagram @londonrunwaymag.
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