Modern Romantic Magazine
Modern Romantic Magazine
Publication St. Cloud, MN
Vol. 3: SUMMER Edition Theme: Open
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fantasy #Fine Art #Nature
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-12 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
The theme is open, but we're leaning toward more outdoor romanticism looks. For inspiration photos for our editions, please visit our Pinterest mood boards for the edition you are submitting for.

When submitting your work, you MUST:

1. INCLUDE A DESCRIPTION of your project and anything you feel we need to know about you, your project, and/or your team. Doesn’t have to be long. Include your social media handles.

2. ADD TEAM CREDITS. We prefer to credit everyone we can - we believe all teams work hard to make a great project happen, so they deserve to have their name in print, too. Take the extra minute to list all the credits you can, and if you do, we DO print them. Team credits make for a great well-rounded responsible submission, and we love those.

3. LIST PREVIOUS AND CURRENT PUBLISHING. For legal reasons, if the project is currently submitted, accepted, or being considered by another publication, or has previously been published, you must disclose where. You will not be rejected just because you submitted it to 5 different publications. We don't care. We just want to know. For instance, we don't want to put the same exact photo on the cover of our magazine as another magazine at the very same time. It doesn't look good for anyone, and can cause some serious legal issues. Failure to disclose this, will result in a rejection, even after we've accepted the submission. Just keep us informed.

4. GET PERMISSION. Have the permission from models or their agents to publish works with their participation. Models must have the photographer's consent for publication, legal representation, or agent approval. To protect and indemnify the publisher (Modern Romantic Magazine) all liabilities, damages, costs, debts, claims, and expenses that publisher may sustain or incur at the suit of a third party, if posted material violates or misappropriates any third property or intellectual property in breach of the above paragraph. By submitting, you approve these norms, accept the rules and take all the possible risks on yourself.

5. IF YOU ARE NOT THE PHOTOGRAPHER, (if you are a model, MUA, hair, set, etc) include with your submission written copyright permission from the photographer for Modern Romantic Magazine to print and feature digitally. If you need a form for this, please email and we will send you one for free.

NOTE: We avoid content that is sexual, boudoir, religious, political, or easily triggering.


1. Look to make sure your submission could fit into our publication and theme. Check our Pinterest boards.
2. Make sure your images are top quality. We only publish clear images that aren't overly processed (plastic looking) and poorly Photo-shopped.
3. Images should tell a story. Ten images of the same project can be wonderful, but not if they are just slightly different poses of the same person in the same outfit with the same background, same hair, etc.
4. Send of an array of your work. It's ok to submit a series, or a handful of your top images.

Thank you so much for taking the time to submit your work.
About Modern Romantic Magazine
Celebrating romanticism in the modern age.
A periodical celebrating artisans, storytellers, and craftspeople. Created to focus on better times, sweeter moments, and incredible imagery. Romanticism, or the Romantic Era was a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century. Understood broadly as a break from the guiding principles of the Enlightenment – which established reason as the foundation of all knowledge – the Romantic Movement emphasized the importance of emotional sensitivity and individual subjectivity. For the Romantics, imagination, rather than reason, was the most important creative faculty.
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