Portrait Diaries
Portrait Diaries
Publication Berlin, Germany
Passionate Assistance
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#Men #Fine Art #Fashion #Portrait
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No exclusivity required
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Image Requirements
Up to 62 images
JPG or PNG format
sRGB Color profile
Copyright owner only
Hey there,
I'm looking for someone who is as passionate about portrait photography, creating a print magazine and creating together as me. This is not a paid job but you will have the opportunity to participate in a great charity project and get credits in the magazine.

I'm looking forward to creating the next Issue that will be published early next year.
The magazine will be completely redesigned until then.
Also I want to launch a online magazine. Whatever it is you want to participate in the magazine with, let's talk about it!
For example:
- Social Media
- Marketing
- Writing (preferably journalistic)
- organizing

Please have a look at the company site first to get an idea what the magazine is about and if that's something you can identify with.
About Portrait Diaries
Charity Magazine
The Magazine is built around the question "What moves you?". It explores different emotions from the portrayed person, giving more depth to them through the photos. Portrait Diaries is all about deep and true emotions. It celebrates the flaws and is trying to get beneath the surface. There's no space for superficiality. Portrait Diaries was founded in 2019 by Joy "Die Katerin"*. Since then 4 issues have been released on a regular schedule. Each Magazine explored one personality with conversations, poems and photography. With the new issue, Portrait Diaries is getting a re-branding. It's going to be published in German and English. Also, one magazine will cover more than one personality. The magazine will also include podcast series and more bonus material. Making the Magazine a Charity Magazine was my vision from the beginning. Money from the profit made selling the magazine is donated to organizations chosen by the models. In the magazine, you will find mostly portraits of male personalities. The message is that it's okay for men to show their emotions and to show their vulnerable side. The portraits are soft and emotional instead of what society would consider "manly". * "Die Katerin" is a non-existing german word to represent the female visionary in a man's world. Being a female photographer (one-woman company) portraying men, it's not easy. " Die Katerin" contains the word "Kater" = male cat, the ending "-in" for female words and the article "Die" for female words.
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