Sensualidad Magazine
Sensualidad Magazine
Publication Brasília, Brasil
Sensualidad Magazine Pocket Edition - Nude
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fine Art #Glamour #Beauty
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
20-30 images
JPG or PNG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
Sensualidad Magazine Pocket Edition is a compact magazine of Revista Sensualidad, weekly, to promote works that contain nudity, implicit nudity and semi-nude.

We are accepting full or black and white, conceptual and commercial nude, semi-nude, tattooed and conceptual colors for the August issue of Sensualidad Pocket Edition, which will be available from August 31, 2021.

* Submit editorials with 20 to 30 images for review. *

1) To be part of our monthly editorial, we accept submissions of published or exclusive essays, the latter of which is not mandatory.
However, the possibility of being covered with an exclusive essay increases considerably.

2) Photos must not be censored at all.

3) All models MUST be over 18 years of age. The responsibility for this verification is the SOLE and EXCLUSIVELY of the photographer responsible for sending the test.

4) It is always good to send a short text with the data of the participants / models, such as name or stage name, with their respective instagram, facebook, website, in addition to the same data as the photographer and a title for the essay.
These credits must be entered via the Kavyar platform.
Be careful when entering the credits of the participants (Name or stage name and profile of instagram, facebook, website). If you have entered the wrong credits, we will not be able to correct them after the magazine is launched.
Therefore, carefully inform the credits of the entire team.

5) When sending photos to the magazine, it means that absolutely all participants in the filming or photo essays agree to be published in print and digital editions, on our website, on our Instagram and on the other social networks promoting the magazine.

6) The image rights must belong to you (photographer).

7) This is very important! All your images must have the sRGB color profile!
Otherwise, the color of the images may vary during printing.

8) Photos must not have a logo. Credits will be awarded on the respective pages of your essay.

9) We will only accept essays submitted by the photographer who holds the image rights.
Upload your best photos!
Photos don't have to be unique!

10) We do not distribute free copies, nor do we pay for photos or essays sent. All essays are collaborative. Therefore, we do not pay the photographer or model(s), or any member of their staff, for the approved tests published in our magazine.

11) After sending the test(s), wait for an email confirming the “Acceptance” or “Failure” of the test. This is done by the Kavyar platform itself.

If your essay is declined, don't be discouraged. We look forward to publishing your new work.
Reasons for refusing a judgment may vary. From a theme different from the one proposed for the editorial, non-compliance with the journal's rules, file size, etc.

12) Once again, we remind you to include your name / stage name, website and social media links, as well as the same data for each trial participant. If you want, also write a few words about yourself, your biography and some speeches about your photographic style.
You can also tell the story of the essay, the idea, how the experience was, etc.

13) After the launch of the magazine, it is available for purchase on our website, at the URL Also, the link is available on our social networks.

14) We send your essay publication pages within 3 weeks.

15) Like our Instagram page, Website, Facebook and Twitter to get all the updates and information about the release.
About Sensualidad Magazine
Brazilian magazine of female essays
Sensualidad Magazine is a Brazilian magazine of sensual essays and nude women, by artists from all over the world. We try to value the artwork submitted, dedicating an exclusive interview with the author and model of the cover of each edition. We also talk about photography in general, in addition to controversial issues involving femininity. Feel free to support us by sending your editorial. Follow us on social media: Instagram: Facebook: @sensualidadmagazine Twitter: @sensualidadmag
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