PREMIUM Publication Virginia Beach, VA
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#Fashion #Glamour
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Image Requirements
4-8 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only

By submitting materials, you agree SHADES magazine’s following terms and conditions:

1. I own this Photograph, and I own all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to SHADES magazine.

2. I am the sole owner of copyright on this Photograph, and I understand that I am granting SHADES magazine the one-time, nonexclusive right to use it in the following ways:
• to publish in print, online and in PDF format in the “Current” issue of SHADES magazine
• to publish it on social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and on the SHADES magazine website, which shall include the Photographer's and models name and any credits given when the phot was submitted.

3. The submitter is responsible for sure correct credits are given and that they have permission to use the photos. SHADES magazine will not be held accountable liable, this is up to the person submitting to confirm that it is correct.

SHADES magazine will not license or otherwise use the Photograph for commercial activities beyond the above listed scope. Any use of the Photograph beyond that scope will be subject to a separate license agreement.

4. I consent to indemnify SHADES magazine against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against SHADES magazine arising out of the use of the photograph and related to any false or inaccurate statement.

5. I grant this authorization free of charge.

6. Participants who have modeled or posed in the photo have assigned all relevant rights to me.

I understand that submission does not mean acceptance; and that all submissions are subjected to review.

Please note that, SHADES magazine doesn't provide free print copies as presently the publication is printed exclusively through Magcloud for purchase, but we are tear sheets of your editorial ten days after publication.

Purchases are final, no refunds.
"Beneath One's Pain Lies Their True Beauty" - Carrington
SHADES Magazine, is a collection of beautiful people, (male and female). Their beauty will range in shapes, sizes, weight, height, eye colors, skin tones, hair colors, hair lengths and more. At first glance, each and everyone of these people, will be undeniably beautiful. Most will go on to grace the fashion stages, runways and red carpets, to the applause of many. SHADES Magazine, UNIQUENESS, yet not UNIQUE at all, is what we are looking to bring to the forefront. "What's so unique about SHADES Magazine", one may ask. Well, we are glad you asked! The ANSWER, MANY SHADES Magazine, models have a story of personal triumph, over some traumatic event(s), that has occurred in their personal lives, referred to as 'S.H.A.D.E.S.' ... S - STORIES of H - HORRIFYING A - ACTS D - DONE to E - EVERYONE S - SECRETLY (Abuse, Addiction(Alcoholism, Drugs, Prescription), Assault, Battery, Cancer, Domestic Violence, Homelessness, Mental Illness(Depression, Anxiety Disorder), Molestation, Neglect, PTSD and Prostitution(forced or not), Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide indirect and more. Many of the models will have shared their story, in their own words, and how they see fit. "BENEATH ONE'S PAIN, LIES THEIR TRUE BEAUTY" -Carrington SHADES Magazine, celebrates models, by sharing their beauty on our various platforms; documentaries, fashion shows, photo shoots, interviews & appearances, panel discussions, social media platforms and social events.
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