Something Different Magazine
Something Different Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Santa Fe, NM
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Powered by Kavyar
Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Fine Art #Fantasy #Beauty
Image Requirements
8-17 images
JPG or TIF format
sRGB Color profile
At least 1500 pixels on the longest side
Copyright owner only
Something Different Magazine does not accept submissions through Kavyar.
We are looking for raw, disrobed nude ART. We will not accept anything that is too erotic. Think playful, tasteful, and practical.

See link here for mood board:

Submission Requirements:
- All Models need to be 18 Years of Age or older!
- All images must be retouched and edited
- Do not put borders around your images
- We copy and paste each name directly from the file. So, please triple check all the names and tags for accuracy

---Please Read---
Full team must be typed/added into the description/statement box.
Please provide your IG handles as:
Photo: Name + Surname @.......
Model: Name + Surname @....... & etc.
Cancellation of your submission may occur without prior notice if it's not done. We will not be responsible for typos, errors and missing credits, we will NOT making any changes after publication. This is the submitter's responsibility.

When you share your published images, please use the following handle and hashtag.

• @somethingdifferentmagazine
About Something Different Magazine
Art that seeks a different perspective
Our belief in the expression of individuality is the force that fuels our ever-growing passion for showcasing art that is enriched with the crucial feedback from our audience, which empowers the creators to get well-acquainted with the highs and lows of their crafting acumen.
Founding Member
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