Something Different Magazine
Something Different Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Santa Fe, NM
Film & Fashion 4
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
6-12 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only
Something Different invites

- Film Photographers, models, and other roles as long as the submitted photos were taken on film.

Inspo here:

Submission Requirements:
- All images must be retouched and edited
- All photos must be taken on film.
- We copy and paste each name directly from the file. So, please triple check all the names and tags for accuracy
- Submissions must have a description/short story about the piece that is being submitted.
- Although all submissions are welcomed, we prioritize exclusive and unpublished editorials.
- We keep the right to choose which photos will be published if there are too many similar photos in one editorial submission.

---Please Read---
The full team must be typed/added into the description/statement box.
Photo: First and Last name
Model: First and Last name
Stylist: First and Last name
ETC: First and Last name
ETC: First and Last name

Cancellation of your submission may occur without prior notice if it's not done. We will not be responsible for typos, errors, and missing credits, we will NOT make any changes after publication. This is the submitter's responsibility.

Link to previous magazines:


By submitting the content attached (“Film & Fashion”), I hereby grant to Something Different Magazine, on behalf of Zachariah Hagy (hereinafter “Publisher”), the non-exclusive right to reproduce, translate, display, and/or distribute all contents of the artist's submission as part of Something Different’s “Film & Fashion” (“Journal”), in print and electronic format and in any medium. You also agree that the Publisher may make and retain more than one copy for the purpose of preservation, security, and backup of Film & Fashion. You also agree that the Publisher may make any alterations, changes, and edits to the submission as they see fit in order to best suit the Journal. You represent that you, as sole author and/or on behalf of your co-authors, have the authority to grant the rights contained in this agreement. You also represent that your Film & Fashion submission does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon anyone’s copyright. If the submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright, you represent that you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant the Publisher the rights in this agreement and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission of Film & Fashion. Alternatively, you represent that your use of third party material is allowed because the material is in the public domain or you have performed a fair use analysis and reasonably believe your use is permitted. The author understands that the Publisher may grant these same rights to Journal. Additionally, the author also grants the right to both Journal and Publisher to enter into agreements with third-party entities that grant such third party entities any or all of the rights that the author has granted to Publisher herein. The aforementioned rights may include the rights necessary to index and abstract the Submission.

Thank you to all the Film Photographers, Musicians, Models, Writers, Poets, Artists, 

And Creative people from who make this possible.
About Something Different Magazine
Art that seeks a different perspective
Our belief in the expression of individuality is the force that fuels our ever-growing passion for showcasing art that is enriched with the crucial feedback from our audience, which empowers the creators to get well-acquainted with the highs and lows of their crafting acumen.
Founding Member
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