Swanky Kids Magazine
Swanky Kids Magazine
PREMIUM Publication London, United Kingdom
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Genres accepted
#Teen & Kids Fashion
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
3-12 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only

In this issue: This month's issue is all about luxury fashion for mothers, babies, kids, and teens. We'll be showcasing the latest trends in high-end clothing and accessories for all age groups. We've also curated a selection of artistic and unique pieces that are sure to make a statement. Don't miss our special feature on how to balance style and comfort when dressing your little ones. Plus, we have exclusive interviews with leading designers in the luxury children's fashion industry.


There is no other media company that can offer the depth and breadth that Swanky Media Group can, spanning worldwide, making connections with our audiences on a cultural, diverse, and personable level. This is what makes the Swanky Media Group truly different.

We take pride in working with organizations that are making a significant impact in our industry. We believe that collaboration is the key to success, and we are committed to delivering on our mission with that in mind.

Our Editorial Team at The Swanky Media Group, value creativity, collaboration, and excellence. We believe that by fostering a culture of creativity and innovation, we can provide exceptional services to our clients and stay ahead of the competition. We also believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork, and we strive to create a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. Finally, we are committed to excellence in everything we do, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality and professionalism.


Swanky Media Group Ltd is committed to promoting diversity across our print and digital publications, as well as our website. Here, "diversity" includes representatives of various races, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, and abilities. We strongly encourage submissions from all individuals who identify within these categories.


Once your submission is accepted by one of our publications at Swanky Media Group, our Editorial Team will send you a confirmation. You will then need to complete a release form, which you can find at www.swankymediagroup.com/release-form
This form must be signed by the Photographer. If the release form is not completed before the deadline, we reserve the right to withdraw your submission from our issue without further consent.

Photo editorial submissions should include a pre-edited and curated selection of images. Your editorial needs to be cohesive, containing images from the same shoot to narrate a story. Please ensure your subject is not centered to prevent any part of the image from being obscured during the magazine's binding process.

Please submit images with NO LOGOS or WATERMARKS! (Any submissions with Logos or watermarks will be automatically rejected).

Please make sure to include a title and share all associated team credits and wardrobe details you want to be published in the editorial. We won't take responsibility for typos, errors, or missing credits. We'll contact you to confirm that all your credits are correct. This needs to happen before the specified deadline. Double-check to ensure that everyone involved in the submission is included in the credits and their names are spelled correctly.

**Please include the following information in a submission:

- Title (or at least an idea for a title)
- Photographers Name
- Please list the creative team, which includes the model, stylist, make-up
and hair professionals, assistants, and retoucher. Include their Instagram
handles using the "@" symbol followed by the correct handle, not
- Wardrobe credit** List the clothing credits per outfit, unless the series
features only one designer or is a beauty shoot.
- Please provide a brief description or commentary on the shoot. Feel free
to write a small paragraph to accompany the submission.
- High resolution SRGB
- Social links**

Correction charges after publication: $40
For any needed revisions, please reach out to us through your original submission and we'll provide a payment link. We maintain the right to decline revisions. We will not perform revisions 30 days post-publication due to ongoing circulation.

All submissions should contain 4-12 images. If your submission is a general one (not intended for a cover or interview) and exceeds 10 images, we won't publish all of them. Only a maximum of 6 and a minimum of 4 images will be chosen. We reserve the right to select fewer or more images than specified.

We warmly welcome behind-the-scenes videos and fashion films as they provide a comprehensive view of the creative process. If you have such clips or videos to share, please send them via WeTransfer to info@swankygroup.com Be sure to include the title of your submission and your name when sending.


*3-12 images (Depending on submission type)*

*JPG format*

*sRGB Color profile/*images need to be up to 8MB per image. No less the 4MB

*Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)*

*Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)*

*Include wardrobe and team credits*

Images previously published on social media are accepted, irrespective of their exclusivity status. For a more detailed explanation of exclusivity rights, please review the information provided below.

Copyright owner only (if you are not the copyright owner then please go to the release form link - www.swankygroup.com/our-release-form

Please note that images can and will be cropped to fit the magazine layout. However, we strive to maintain the best image quality possible. We also recommend providing adequate margins in your image to allow for cropping. Ensure that you're ready to submit your work, as this should be your final decision. If you decide to remove any images after release, a cancellation fee will be applicable.

The sorts of images we prefer:

- Unusual and creative ideas
- Good editing with professional-looking skin work
- Variety in the posing, angles, and composition
- Professional make-up
- Sharp and professional images

Rejection Reasons:

- Noisy images/out-of-focus
- There is little or no space left for the issue you have submitted to.
- Bad skin editing - waxing face (using automated software)
- Your work is either unsuitable or does not fit with the flow of the issue.
- There is little or no space left for placement.
- The quality of work is not high enough or not to standard.
- The wardrobe is repeated throughout the editorial.
- Photos containing nudity will not be considered.
- Repeated poses & expressions.
- Images containing watermarks.
- You have not supplied enough images to create a story.


We do not require exclusivity for our monthly issues. You're free to share your work with other media formats and publications, both before and after being featured by us. You can also post to social media as soon as you receive your tearsheets.

However, if your images have already been submitted to another magazine, please refrain from sending us the same images. Our system will automatically reject duplicates, so you would need to resubmit your work to us.


You can expect feedback within 15 working days, regardless of whether your submission is accepted or declined. If accepted, further instructions will be sent to your email detailing how to send us the full submission and any additional information required. A publication date, typically within one week of acceptance, will then be assigned to you.


Please refer to our website's submission genres for pre-release dates of our mainstream issue.

You can expect to receive tearsheets within 3-5 days of the publication's release.

After a publication is released, you can purchase it on platforms like Shopify, MagCloud, Issuu, amongest many others.

Purchase links will be provided with your tearsheets once they are available. Please do not request them immediately upon release. Our editorial team is exceptionally busy, and we process requests in the order they are received.

By submitting your work, you guarantee that all models and team members are of legal age, 18 years or older. Submissions including minors will be regrettably rejected. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via direct message or email at submissions@swankygroup.com
About Swanky Kids Magazine
Become A Swanky Kid Today!
Swanky Kids Magazine is renowned for its dedication to diverse and insightful publications. The Mother and Baby edition is a beautifully curated publication that celebrates the bond between mothers and their babies, filled with stunning photography and insightful articles on child care and parenting. The Growing Kids edition showcases the journey of children's growth and development, providing valuable advice on childcare and parenting, and celebrating the joy of raising kids. For an older demographic, the Swanky Teens Fashion Magazine highlights the latest trends in teenage fashion, inspiring young readers with its fashion photography and articles on teen style, and featuring interviews with emerging young designers and influencers.
Publisher Insights
Accept %
Report Call for Work
Submitter Protection
Standard Response
Standard Submission
Submissions will be reviewed as they arrive. Before we can publish your work, a signed release form is required. You'll receive tearsheets within 3-5 days following the magazine's release. For more details and the release form link, please refer to our guidelines. The images submitted must be cohesive and cannot be random images from different photoshoots.
Included if accepted:
Estimated Page Count:
6-8 pages
Priority Response
Priority 12 Review
Submissions will be prioritized above free submissions and will receive a decision within 12 hours. Before we can publish your work, a signed release form is required. You'll receive tearsheets within 3-5 days following the magazine's release. For more details and the release form link, please refer to our guidelines. The images submitted must be cohesive and cannot be random images from different photoshoots.
Refunded if rejected
Priority Response
Your work will be featured on the inside cover of our upcoming issue, while other submitted images will appear within the magazine. However, before we can publish your work, we need a signed release form. Expect to receive tearsheets within 1-3 days after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't match our issue's theme, we will explain our decision not to include it. If your work is accepted, it will be promoted in a social media post. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not a collection of random images from different photoshoots.
Included if accepted:
Inside Cover
Social Post
Refunded if rejected
How it works
Priority Response
If accepted, your images are guaranteed to feature on the back cover of our both printed and digital editions. You'll receive a digital copy for convenient viewing on the go! This offer also includes promotion across all our social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Additionally, your images will be featured on our website with hyperlinks back to your social media profiles and website, if you have one. Before we can publish your work, we require a signed release form. You can expect to receive tearsheets within 24hrs after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't align with our issue's theme, your payment will be fully refunded. we will provide an explanation for our decision to exclude it. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not just a collection of random images from different photoshoots as it will automatically be declined. response within 24 hours.
Included if accepted:
Back Cover
Cover Tearsheet
Digital Copy
Social Post
Priority Tearsheets:
Estimated Page Count:
4-10 pages
Refunded if rejected
Priority Response
This is for anyone in the creative industry. If you're looking to showcase your work, then this is for you! A member of our dedicated editorial team will collaborate with you to curate and tell your story, enhancing it with captivating images that will accompany your interview. Whether it's your modelling career, personal journey, brand narrative, or if you're an influencer, musician, or celebrity, we'd be honored to feature an interview with you! Upon acceptance, you'll receive a complimentary digital copy and tearsheets on the release day, as well as a guaranteed feature on our social media accounts and website. Before we can publish your work, we require a signed release form. You can expect to receive tearsheets within 24hrs after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't align with our issue's theme, your payment will be fully refunded. we will provide an explanation for our decision to exclude it. If your work is accepted, it will be promoted in a social media post across our channels. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not just a collection of random images from different photoshoots as it will automatically be declined. response within 24 hours.
Included if accepted:
Curated Page Layout
Website Interview
Priority Tearsheets:
Estimated Page Count:
4-8 pages
Refunded if rejected
Priority Response
If accepted, your images are guaranteed to feature on the FRONT COVER of our both printed and digital editions. You'll receive a digital copy for convenient viewing on the go! This offer also includes promotion across all our social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Additionally, your images will be featured on our website with hyperlinks back to your social media profiles and website, if you have one. Before we can publish your work, we require a signed release form. You can expect to receive tearsheets within 24hrs after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't align with our issue's theme, your payment will be fully refunded. we will provide an explanation for our decision to exclude it. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not just a collection of random images from different photoshoots as it will automatically be declined. response within 24 hours.
Included if accepted:
Cover Tearsheet
Digital Copy
Front Cover
Social Post
Priority Tearsheets:
Estimated Page Count:
4-10 pages
Refunded if rejected
Priority Response
If accepted, your images & interview are guaranteed to feature on the back cover and inside of our printed and digital editions. Receive a print copy directly at your doorstep, along with a digital version to browse while on the move! This offer also includes promotion across all our social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Additionally, your images will be featured on our website with hyperlinks back to your social media profiles and website, if you have one. Before we can publish your work, we require a signed release form. You can expect to receive tearsheets within 24hrs after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't align with our issue's theme, your payment will be fully refunded. we will provide an explanation for our decision to exclude it. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not just a collection of random images from different photoshoots as it will automatically be declined. response within 24 hours.
Included if accepted:
Back Cover
Cover Tearsheet
Digital Copy
Hard Copy
Social Post
Social Story
Priority Tearsheets:
Estimated Page Count:
4-10 pages
Refunded if rejected
Priority Response
If accepted, your images & interview are guaranteed to feature on the front cover and inside of our printed and digital editions. Receive a print copy directly at your doorstep, along with a digital version to browse while on the move! This offer also includes promotion across all our social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Additionally, your images will be featured on our website with hyperlinks back to your social media profiles and website, if you have one. Before we can publish your work, we require a signed release form. You can expect to receive tearsheets within 24hrs after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't align with our issue's theme, your payment will be fully refunded. we will provide an explanation for our decision to exclude it. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not just a collection of random images from different photoshoots as it will automatically be declined. response within 24 hours.
Included if accepted:
Cover Tearsheet
Digital Copy
Front Cover
Hard Copy
Social Post
Social Story
Priority Tearsheets:
Estimated Page Count:
6-12 pages
Refunded if rejected
Standard Response
If accepted, your images & interview are guaranteed to feature on the front & back cover and inside of our printed and digital editions. You'll receive a digital copy for convenient viewing on the go! This offer also includes promotion across all our social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Additionally, your images will be featured on our website with hyperlinks back to your social media profiles and website, if you have one. Before we can publish your work, we require a signed release form. You can expect to receive tearsheets within 24hrs after the magazine's release. For more details and to access the release form, please refer to our guidelines. If your submission doesn't align with our issue's theme, your payment will be fully refunded. we will provide an explanation for our decision to exclude it. Please ensure that your submitted series is cohesive and not just a collection of random images from different photoshoots as it will automatically be declined. response within 12 hours.
Included if accepted:
Back Cover
Cover Tearsheet
Digital Copy
Front Cover
Hard Copy
Social Post
Social Story
Website Cover
Priority Tearsheets:
Estimated Page Count:
4-10 pages
Refunded if rejected
Submitter Protection
Provided by Kavyar