Sweeter MEN Magazine
Sweeter MEN Magazine
Publication New York, NY
Digital Tearsheet with sweeter MEN Logo
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Wedding #Travel #Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Fantasy #Nature #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
2-9 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
**Please read our guidelines before submitting**

No exclusivity required.

You have to be copyright holder of the images or have the written permission from the author to submit the images. By submitting items, you are stating that you have permission / authorizations and all clearances to submit the items to Sweeter Men Magazine and all of our media partners / collaborators for media distribution.

Please make sure your photos DON’T have a logo/watermark.

For nude and implied nude submissions, no censors are allowed.

Team credits are essential for all submissions, we won’t accept your submissions without team credits. We won’t be held accountable for any missing or mis-spelt credit. Be sure to double check that all persons involved in the submission are included in the credits and their names are spelt correctly. If for any reason a submission is published and an individual/s credit is missing, the person who submitted the feature will be held responsible. Along with model’s name, be sure to list the agency name.

Please include Instagram tags in submission section, so that we can mention handles on the social media.

We DO NOT accept material that includes smoking, pictures that incite violence, racism or xenophobia.

By submitting to Sweeter Men Magazine to publish your work, you grant us the permission and full rights to use your work in any of our publications, in any media, websites, videos, promotion, marketing pieces, packaging for any product or service, advertisements, onlyfans and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of Sweeter Men Magazine. Content may be combined with other images, text, graphics, film, audio, audio-visual works; and may be cropped, altered or modified. This public release is binding upon acceptance by Sweeter Men Magazine, irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by law. We, including our media partners / collaborators, are held blameless for any and all disputes which arise out of your submissions. This statement will serve as a Release Form for any and all submissions. These rules are effective for any and all submissions, read or unread.

Upon reviewing submissions, Sweeter Men Magazine reserves the rights to accept or deny any submission we receive.

Sweeter Men Magazine is not responsible for any cost associated with the production of your submission.

By submitting to Sweeter Men Magazine, you agree to all the terms and agreements and accept all the conditions.
About Sweeter MEN Magazine
Sweeter Men focuses on sleek, classic and edgy male models, fashion photographers, fashion stylists and emerging creatives from around the globe.
Sweeter Men Magazine is an online and print-on-demand international magazine. We aim to provide a platform for established and emerging creative and talented individuals from around the world to showcase their work and connect with the global creative professionals community. Sweeter Men focuses on sleek, classic and edgy male models, fashion photographers, fashion stylists and emerging creatives from around the globe. We feature men's fashion, nudity, beauty, style, grooming and fitness editorials.
Publisher Insights
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Submitter Protection
Standard Response
Digital Tearsheet
2-6 images
Guaranteed 1 image tearsheet as High-Def PDF with sweeter MEN Logo. Turnaround time 3 to 7 business days with tearsheet published on our Instagram.
Standard Response
Digital Tearsheet
5-9 images
Guaranteed 3 image tearsheets as High-Def PDF with sweeter MEN Logo. Turnaround time 3 to 7 business days with tearsheets published on our Instagram.
Standard Response
Digital Tearsheet (Cover)
2-6 images
Guaranteed 1 image COVER tearsheet as High-Def PDF with sweeter MEN Logo. Turnaround time 3 to 7 business days with tearsheet published on our Instagram.
Standard Response
Digital Tearsheet (Cover + 3 Pages Editorial)
5-9 images
Guaranteed 1 image COVER tearsheet and 3 pages editorial tearsheets as High-Def PDF with sweeter MEN Logo. Turnaround time 3 to 7 business days with tearsheet published on our Instagram.
Standard Response
Digital Tearsheet (Cover + 3 Pages Editorial)
5-9 images
Guaranteed 1 image COVER tearsheet and 3 pages editorial tearsheets as High-Def PDF with sweeter MEN Logo. Turnaround time 1 to 3 business days with tearsheet published on our Instagram.
Submitter Protection
Provided by Kavyar