The Fox Magazine
The Fox Magazine
Publication Los Angeles, CA
The Rhythm Issue
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Genres accepted
#Travel #Fashion #Beauty #Portrait
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No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-14 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
At least 2000 pixels on the longest side
Copyright owner only
We are now accepting submissions for The Rhythm Issue releasing 5/25/2020. This is a great opportunity to keep pushing past COVID-19 with publishing credits. This issue focuses on the true musicians delivering rhythm across many genres.

The theme for this is MUSIC. Submit anything related to music: portraits, concerts, recording studios, dancing, etc. Please check out Pinterest for moodboard examples:

This issue will be 60 pages x FULL Color. Perfect bound.

The work you submit may or may not be accepted or used by The Fox Magazine.

By submitting to us, you are agreeing that:

We have the rights to your content. works published in this magazine are protected under domestic and international copyright laws and are not considered to be public domain. Should you, for any reason, wish your photographs to be removed from the magazine, we will make every effort to do so. All accepted contributors will receive free digital access to the issue releasing 5/25/2020.

To be considered, please fulfill ALL requirements. If not, your submission will be voided.

- No borders or watermarks
- Include ALL appropriate credit information. Include ALL appropriate credit information.
- Recommended but not required: Include any artist statement, quote, title preferences, backstory, etc…
- We will always keep your creative preferences in mind when composing your feature.

View our previous publications here:

About The Fox Magazine

The Fox Magazine is a premier lifestyle publication focusing on beginnings, creativity, and risk. Since March of 2016, the editorial team covers a diverse selection of subject matter all deep-rooted in photography, travel, food, fashion, music, and technology. Our mission is to be the leading resource of inspiration for individuals wanting to chase their dreams and seek a fulfilling lifestyle.

Along with an active readership, we work with a broad network of influencers and brands around the globe. Our platform gives the opportunity to those who are looking to expose themselves to the world and increase exposure for anyone involved.
About The Fox Magazine
Dream Bigger With Us.
The Fox Magazine is a premier lifestyle publication focusing on beginnings, creativity, and risk. Since March of 2016, the editorial team covers a diverse selection of subject matter all deep-rooted in photography, travel, food, fashion, music, and technology. Our mission is to be the leading resource of inspiration for individuals wanting to chase their dreams and seek a fulfilling lifestyle. Along with an active readership, we work with a broad network of influencers and brands around the globe. Our platform gives the opportunity to those who are looking to expose themselves to the world and increase exposure for anyone involved.
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