Vous Magazine
Vous Magazine
PREMIUM Publication Madrid, Spain
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Medium & Genres
Genres accepted
#Wedding #Men #Glamour #Fine Art #Fashion #Beauty #Portrait
Decision date
Publish date
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
4-12 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Must be exclusive and unpublished
Copyright owner only
We will be accepting open-themed kids/teens submissions. We pride ourselves on discovering new talents! This category is for any submission you may have. We love all ages and races and subjects we are a melting-pot of CULTURE and inclusive unique creators!

Visit our Instagram profile ( instagram.com/vous.magazine ) to see the type of work that we promote and publish. We appreciate all submissions. Thank you!

Submission Requirements:
- Once a submission is accepted by VOUS MAGAZINE, you will receive a link to our release form which will have to be signed by the Photographer. If the release form is not completed before the deadline, we reserve the right to pull that submission from our issue without your consent.
- Submissions must be exclusive and unpublished. Once a submission is accepted by VOUS MAGAZINE, it must not be published in any other magazine, website, blog, and social media networks. Once we realize that the images are published in these mediums before the particular issue is being released, we reserve the right to pull that submission from our issue without your consent.
- A parental release must be attached.
- All images must be final retouched images.
- Please submit images with NO LOGOS or WATERMARKS.
- Wardrobe and team credits must be included with submissions including Instagram handles (Please provide IG handles as @name). Make sure all credits are correctly spelled! Full team credits must be typed/added into the description/statement box.
- All submissions should be between 4-12 images. If your submissions are over 10 images, we won’t publish all images, a maximum of 8 and a minimum of 4 will be chosen, unless it is a cover story or special feature.
- VOUS MAGAZINE doesn’t provide free print copies. We also don’t pay for submissions, all photo shoot expenses for a submission to the magazine are covered by the team conducting the project.
- Behind the scenes photos, videos, and fashion films also can be considered for any accepted submissions. We try our best to promote as many artists as possible.

* All submissions must be sent before the stated deadline of an issue.

* If a submission is being accepted and the final pieces aren’t sent before the deadline, that submission will not be published in the issue for which it was accepted.

* The deadline for each issue is the 20th of the month (e.g: Submissions for the December Issue is due by November 20th), if for any reason the deadline is changed, it will be posted on our Facebook page and website.

CANCELLATION FEE (100$) Make sure this is your final decision to submit your works in VOUS MAGAZINE. If a series is accepted we will charge a 100$ fee to cancel it.

Make sure when you upload the credits that they are correct, that Instagram handles are added to all team members. This must be done before the deadline. If you need any corrections there will be a $10 fee charged to make them after the deadline.


* Once an issue is being released it is available for purchase via MagCloud.

* The purchase link will be posted on our Facebook page on the day of release and will be posted on our website also. To get immediate updates and purchase information please like our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/vousmag


Not all information and updates can be sent to everyone that is or has been associated with VOUS Magazine as we don’t have the emails of everyone. To get all updates and information please like our Facebook page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via message or email.

Thank you,
About Vous Magazine
VOUS is a fashion & art photography magazine based in Madrid., which tries to discover deeper into the fashion, modern, style, and art for giving readers who are living in the cumbersome environment of rapid update iterations a completely new and distinctive visual inspiration. VOUS Magazine collaborates with fashion photographers, trendies, artists, and creative professionals globally. Not matter where are you, we always try our best to find you. Because you are the talent which could exactly impact the world from art and fashion perspectives. We believe, with the help of our digital strategy as well as the promotion in each issue of our magazine, you will be getting well-known in the future.
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