Weekly Style Magazine
Weekly Style Magazine
Publication New York, NY
Weekly Style Magazine - December 2021
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No exclusivity required
Timeframes may change for upgraded submissions
Image Requirements
6-16 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes (
flexible rules
Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)
Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)
Copyright owner only
We accept Fashion, Beauty & Written Submissions.

We do not publish lifestyle photo shoots unless they are submitted as Advertorials (inquire at info@weeklystylemagazine.com).

For fashion editorials, we ask for a *minimum* of 3 looks and 6 photos.
Beauty editorial needs a minimum of 3 makeup looks.
A set of images with models wearing the same look does not qualify as a fashion story & will be rejected.

Try to include different image types in your editorial (portrait, full-length, close-up, etc.).

Behind the scene photo/video/fashion film is a plus.

All images must be retouched and edited.

Layouts will NOT be accepted.

Nudity is NOT allowed.

Images should not have been published through any other form of print or online media (with the exception of your own promotional tools — your website, blog, portfolio, cards, etc.).

Permission of copyright owner required.

Images may be larger. If aspect ratio doesn’t match, images may be cropped to fit printed page.

We reserve the right to publish only selected images. Selection can be made at any moment between submission and publication.


Team credits are essential, if these are not included with your submission, your submission will not be published! Wardrobe and Gear credits are optional but recommended.

Be sure to double check that all persons involved in the submission are included in the credits and their names are spelt correctly.

Team credits should include models, stylists, artists, makeup artists, and photographers first and last names and their instagram accounts for promoting. List all related agencies & management firms. Again, team credits are mandatory.

For clothing credits, list each article of clothing featured, along with the designer/brand name and designer’s/brand’s instagram account.

To properly submit credits, the title/role/wardrobe type should be in lowercase with the first letter of each word capitalized. The contributor/team member's names/wardrobe names should be in all capitals. Instagram handles should be included.

All credits should be listed in the description of your submission, as well as ALL team credits listed on the images. Do not include team credits in the wardrobe credits.


Blazer: GUCCI @gucci
Blouse: GUCCI @gucci
Pants: GUCCI @gucci

Please triple-check to make sure all credit information is accurate! Credits will be published with exactly the same spelling as sent.

CREDITS CORRECTIONS FEE $25 (please make sure you upload correct credits and instagram handles for the team before the publication). You can direct any questions in regards of correction/payment process to info@weeklystylemagazine.com


ALL submissions are final. If you are submitting the editorial and are not the photographer, you guarantee and represent that you are the sole and exclusive legal owner of all rights, title, and interest in all the work you submitted, including all related intellectual property interests; such as trademarks and copyrights. Photographer consent required to be approved for publishing. Submissions must meet our brand aesthetic to be accepted, for guaranteed options as well.

When submitting please follow the guidelines outlined on this page. Upon reviewing submissions, Weekly Style Magazine reserves the rights to Accept or Deny any submission.

We don't provide free print copy’s. Weekly Style Magazine is a Print on demand Magazine that is sold through MagCloud.

If your editorial or video has been published in another publication it will not be accepted.

If the editorial is named by the following names: "Editorial, Fashion, Beauty", we rename it to the model name.

Once an image is accepted to be published, it grants us the permission to use your work in any of our publications, websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of Weekly Style Magazine. Everyone who submits an application takes responsibility for allowing the placement of photo materials, video and other products. This item is our substitution of the release for the rights of placement. In the case of raising disputes from third parties, the dialogue will be conducted only with the applicant's side, since all responsibility for the materials transferred lies with him.

If your submission is accepted, you agree to all of the following conditions of our magazine. You are solely responsible to your team when applying.

Download Photographer Consent form here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XcCwlr5exPbyYn21aYDeegkazGLxuHUo/view

When you share your published editorial, please use the following hashtags:


Thank you,
WEEKLY STYLE Magazine Team
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Style | Fashion | Runway | Beauty
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